Self-Guided Math Placement Survey

This self-guided survey helps students quickly determine a recommended math placement for current classes at Kaua’i CC only. 
Your academic advisor is authorized to provide a prerequisite override for you based on these survey results.
When choosing a math course, your recommendation from this survey should be considered along with other information such as your intended major and background in math. Students may choose to take the UHCC EdReady placement diagnostic in addition to this survey to get more information or to refresh math skills. Advisors and math faculty are available for consultation if you aren’t sure about which course to take.
Program prerequisites related to math placement (for example “qualified for MATH 82X”) are not met by this self-guided placement option.  Prerequisites for Early College courses are also not met by this self-guided option. Early College candidates without an existing qualifying placement score should complete the UHCC EdReady option.
Remember, these results may only be used for Kaua`i CC courses.  If you are interested in taking courses from other campuses with math prerequisites, you must use a different placement option.
Please use a different placement option if you would like to register without meeting with a counselor.
By continuing with Kaua`i CC’s Self-Guided Math Placement Survey, you understand that results can only be used for placement into courses offered by Kaua`i Community College and cannot be used at other UH campuses, nor can it be used to meet Early College qualifications.

Have your placement recommendation email ready to show to your counselor during your academic advising session.